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Going Green in 2024: Sustainable Tips for Language Schools

Published Bernice on Wednesday, January 3, 2024 2:00 PM

 Going Green in 2024: Sustainable Tips for Language Schools

In the ever-evolving landscape of education, the need for sustainability has taken center stage. As we step into 2024, Schools & Agents is proud to introduce a new initiative: a weekly dose of sustainable tips to help schools and organisations become greener. This exciting column is brought to you by Green Standard Schools, a partner dedicated to fostering environmental consciousness within the education sector.

Welcoming Jonathan Dykes to one of our upcoming Live Broadcasts

We're thrilled to announce that we'll be hosting Jonathan Dykes, a renowned sustainability expert, in one of our upcoming broadcasts. Join us as Jonathan shares insights and expertise on how language schools can play a pivotal role in building a sustainable future. Stay tuned for details.

The Power of Sustainable Practices: Save Money and Save the Planet

  1. Power Down: Encourage the simple act of turning off lights, computer screens, and other electronic devices when not in use. Visual reminders, such as posters depicting a burning planet, can create awareness.

  2. Switch to LEDs: Replace incandescent or halogen bulbs with energy-efficient LEDs, reducing both energy consumption and long-term costs.

  3. Timer Switches: Install timer switches on water coolers and vending machines to conserve energy during non-operational hours.

  4. Digital Transformation: Embrace a paperless approach by eliminating the need for photocopiers. Leverage digital devices for communication and document sharing.

  5. Smart Thermostats: Set temperature limits to optimize heating and cooling, adhering to recommended standards for room temperatures.

Actions requiring investment:

  1. Motion Sensors: Install motion sensors in high-traffic areas to automatically control lighting, ensuring lights are only active when needed.

  2. Thermal Insulation: Invest in thermal insulation by adding material to the roof cavity or installing double glazing. Explore government loans or subsidies to support these sustainable upgrades.

  3. Heat Pumps: Consider installing heat pumps for efficient heating, leveraging electricity to generate four times more heat than traditional systems.

  4. Solar Panels: Harness the power of solar energy by installing solar panels on your school's roof. Explore grants or loans to offset initial costs and even generate surplus electricity for additional income.

As we embark on this journey towards a greener future, let's embrace sustainable practices that not only benefit our institutions but also contribute to a more environmentally conscious world. Stay tuned every Wednesday for fresh insights and tips from Green Standard Schools. Together, let's make 2024 a year of positive change and sustainable impact!

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